Curbside Appeal Reimbursement Program
The city's Curbside Appeal Reimbursement Program encourages homeowners to make improvements to the exterior of their homes and garages in areas that are visible from the street. The city will reimburse a portion of the costs for projects that meet eligibility requirements. All projects must be pre-approved by city staff. There are no income limits to participate in the program. Reimbursement amounts range from a minimum of $1,000 to a maximum of $5,000. Applicants are responsible for 75% of project costs up to $20,000 and 100% of costs beyond $20,000.
Center for Energy and Environment

The Center for Energy and Environment (CEE) offers a convenient one-stop service that provides residential, commercial/non-profit and rental property owners in New Hope access to a comprehensive array of financing and rehabilitation services.
- Emergency Deferred Loan (New Hope)
A deferred loan designed for homeowners who have emergency improvement needs but do not qualify for other home improvement loan, grant, or rebate programs. Emergencies include conditions that makes a house uninhabitable, extremely dangerous, or capable of causing severe health problems.
- Home Improvement Loan (New Hope)
A loan to help New Hope homeowners make improvements to their properties. Examples include interior or exterior maintenance or remodeling projects that improve the basic livability of the property, including kitchen, bathroom, basement, and garage alterations.
- Statewide Home Improvement Loans
A statewide program that offers loans with affordable payments to homeowners. The program was established to improve the basic livability and/or energy efficiency of the borrower's home. Eligible projects include most interior and exterior improvements.
- Statewide Home Energy Loan
A statewide program that offers loans with affordable payments to homeowners. The program was established to make energy efficiency improvements to existing homes.
- Statewide Solar Loan
A statewide program that offers loans to increase the energy efficiency of homes using photovoltaic (PV) solar technology.
- Statewide Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP) Loan
A statewide program that offers loans to increase the energy efficiency of homes using photovoltaic (PV) solar technology.
Hennepin County
Hennepin County offers deferred loans for repairs that address basic safety, maintenance, and health concerns, as well as home improvements.
- Home Rehab Program
Deferred loans offered at 0% interest and deferred until the sale of the home, or forgiven after 15 years. Household income limits apply.
The Hennepin County Housing and Redevelopment Authority offers eligible first-time homebuyers up to $30,000 in down payment and closing cost assistance.
- Homebuyer Assistance Program
Deferred loans offered at 0% interest and deferred until the sale of the home, or forgiven after 10 years. Household income limits apply.
Home Energy Squad Program
The city partners with the Home Energy Squad (HES) to help residents save energy and money on utility bills through visits. Home Energy Squad is provided by Xcel Energy and CenterPoint Energy, delivered by Center for Energy and Environment (CEE). During your visit, CEE staff will visit homes in New Hope, evaluate energy-saving opportunities, and install energy-saving materials like LED lightbulbs, door and attic hatch weather-stripping, a programmable or smart thermostat, and high-efficiency water fixtures. Thanks to this partnership, New Hope residents can receive visits for between $35 and $50.