On December 12, 2022, the City Council approved a project to
retrofit the Lighted Baseball Field lighting and the Meadow Lake School pickleball court lighting to LED lighting.
Several improvements to Lighted Baseball Field have been budgeted for 2023, however staff preferred to complete the lighting portion of the project this winter due to the need to work around the Osprey nest that is located on top of the left field lights. By law, unless it is an emergency, work near the nest can only be completed October 1-April 1.
The poles are still in good condition and were reused, except for one new light pole that was installed near the Osprey nesting pole. The old pole was decommissioned, allowing the next to remain untouched. The retrofits included new LED fixtures, electrical wiring from the fixtures to the panel boxes, a wireless control system with performance monitoring, and an electrical service upgrade.
The lighting project at the pickleball courts was also completed this winter. These light poles were also reused, and the retrofit included new LED fixtures, electrical wiring from the fixtures to the panel boxes, a wireless control system, and a player activated push button.
The upgrade will provide the correct lighting on the baseball field and pickleball courts and while providing environmentally friendly lighting for the residential area with less light spillage. The savings with LED lights will also be beneficial.